Monday, April 18, 2011


1. Plagiarism - stealing somebody's work or idea: the process of copying another person's idea or written work and claiming it as original 2. Authorship - Source or origin, as of a book or idea 3. Work Made for Hire – work that is the property of an employer when made by one acting as an employee or is the property of the party for whom it is specially ordered or commissioned when that is expressly stipulated in writing —used in copyright law 4. Fair use - a limitation and exception to the exclusive right granted by copyright law to the author of a creative work 5. Copyright- the legal right of creative artists or publishers to control the use and reproduction of their original works 6. Patent - an exclusive right officially granted by a government to an inventor to make or sell an invention 7. Trademark - name or symbol used to show that a product is made by a specific company and legally registered so that no other manufacturer can use it 8. Trade Secret - a secret formula or technique that is used to make a product, known only to the company that manufactures it

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